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About Us

As we become our most authentic selves, we attract the soul family that aligns with our vibration, but there’s nothing quite like having that ride-or-die partner...

I created WeMediDate and the Potential Perfect Partner Process because I know it’s not always easy to meet someone when you are focused on other areas in your life that may seem more important. There are amazing people everywhere and maybe meeting someone is not the issue... Perhaps you just need some friendly support and guidance... Maybe you’ve been waiting for the right introduction or that event to get you activated again...

We all know that love is a frequency, it's not an emotion. It's a state of being. When two people, who become this, get together, it's so powerful. Being a "Goddess of Love" myself, I have a way with people, I see into them, they easily open up to me. Though it may take some hours, days, months, years... I'm confident in my matchmaking magic.