Attend a virtual dating event in your city.

Looking for your perfect match?

Do you prefer tea over coffee? Kombucha over beer? Ceremony vibes over party vibes? Love over lust? Truth over everything? Do you live an organic, non-toxic lifestyle that’s good for you and our Mother Earth? Do you love ecstatic dance, yet feel restricted in nightclubs?

It’s time to meet other unattached singles who share your values, lifestyle, and beliefs.


We are a high-vibe dating and matchmaking group that brings together like-minded singles who are seeking connection and partnership. We offer event experiences and services from an enlightened perspective for the new paradigm.


Our dating services include:

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    Intentional Speed Dating

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    A place in our Exclusive Dating Pool

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    Highly Personalized Matchmaking Packages

Got couples goals?

WeMediDate offers in-person and online dating experiences where conscious singles make soulful connections. This is not your typical speed dating process, but it will speed up your search for that special someone. Our experiences blend meditation, soul activations, and mindful introductions so you can find a love connection that matches your vibe.

Let's be honest. You don't have time for trial and error anymore! You’re ready to get it right!

You’ve worked hard to achieve your healthy, conscious lifestyle and our goal is to motivate and inspire you to create thriving relationships too. Let’s ground ourselves, relax, and ease into the dating process. 

We’ll hold space for you to dive deep into your dating journey and answer the questions that really matter.

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Complimentary Access

Exclusive Dating Pool

  • Create an account and complete your profile.
  • Become one of our eligible bachelors or bachelorettes.
  • We will contact you in order to help you find your perfect match.

* Increase your chances of meeting that special someone. No commitment, contracts, or hidden fees.

It’s time to shine your light
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    Our exclusive dating pool is a private, safe, and effortless option for unattached singles who want to increase their likelihood of being matched with a suitable partner.

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    By entering the pool, you consent to be contacted if matched with WeMediDate private clients or other pool members and event attendees.

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    The dating pool is free to join and is the simplest, easiest way to open yourself up to new people and opportunities.

Meet your Soul Partner

As a conscious being, you are constantly evolving, so why haven’t you changed the way you date? Life as we know it can be challenging, but finding that special someone doesn't have to be. Your soul partner is right around the corner and shares the same values, beliefs, and goals as you!

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Are you ready to manifest your dream relationship?

Online and in-person dating events starting at $20

Explore upcoming events by clicking a location below.

Matchmaking Packages

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  • 1 comprehensive consultation
  • Up to 3 highly personalized matches
  • Up to 6 hours of coaching and support through the Potential Perfect Partner Process

* Matches may be introduced all together, in a group environment or in individual meetings and the Potential Perfect Partner Process may take up to 6 months.

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  • 1 comprehensive consultation
  • Up to 10 highly personalized matches
  • Up to 20 hours of coaching and support through the Potential Perfect Partner Process

* Matches may be introduced all together, in a group environment or in individual meetings and the Potential Perfect Partner Process may take up to 1 year.